Past Successful Students

Successful Students

Successful Students

Milites Dei Academy is very proud of our Alumni Students. The academy regularly receive compliments from businesses that employ all our successful students. The emphasis here is on all students because all students are successful at the end of there studies. Failure do not occur because staff and instructors personally guide and mentor each student to achieve success.

Most importantly, Alumni Students makes us proud and their PT Poles stand strong as remembrance of their time at the academy. The military style gear (dixies, ponchos, fire buckets, etc.) could tell the stories of all the Alumni that also used it when they were students at the academy.

Alumni PT Poles

Alumni PT Poles


The Milites Dei Academy CREED states “The memories, achievements and legacy of all my predecessors are my responsibility; I will not fail them.” Thus, every new student, by honour, live up to the achievements of the Alumni.

The present students do so daily and they work hard and give their best.

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