• Milites Dei Academy specializes in Military Training Style Programs and Accredited Qualifications.

    Unleash your true potential and achieve career excellence!

    Click to read more about us and our courses

    We are one of the best security companies in South Africa specialising in Military Style Security such as Specialist Operatives and Risk Solutions Specialists.

    Click to see our security website
  • One Year Risk Solutions Specialist Operative

    A vast number of qualifications included: VIP, SWAT, Diving, Parachuting, Dog Handling, PSIRA, Etc.

    Our courses are accredited/registered with the appropriate accreditation bodies like PSIRA and SASSETA.

    The student also gets a salary in this course and are registered for UIF and Personal Tax.

    Click to see more information
  • Three Months Specialist Operative

    PSIRA, Fire Arms, Military Style, etc. This is the most popular course because it leads to high-income employment opportunities.

    Click to see more information
  • Further Education and Training Certificate: Specialist Security Practices

    Suitable for people already in the security industry that want to progress into supervisory positions.

    Click to see more information
  • National Certificate: General Security Practices

    Suitable for people already working in security who do not have a grade12.

    Click to see more information
  • Close Protection Officer / VIP Protection

    This course is also called a Close Protection Officer (CPO). A CPO is a type of security guard, government or law enforcement officer, or soldier who protects a person or a group of people; usually high-ranking public officials or officers, wealthy people, and celebrities.

    Click to see more information
  • Six Week Anti-Poaching Special Forces Ranger

    If you love wildlife and love to protect animals at game lodges and reserves.

    Click to see more information
  • Shorter full time security courses

    These courses can include becoming a Patrol Officer, Asset Control Officer, Protection Officer, Security Supervisor or Junior Security Manager.

    Click to see more information

    PSIRA Grade A to E, Armed Response, Retail Security, Cash in Transit, Banking Security and Special events security.

    Click to see more information

    1-4 Fire Arm Types Personal and/or Business Use and Law

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  • Dog Handling

    Dogs for security and tracking are major specialised fields not only in South Africa but also in the rest of the world.

    Find out more about our dog handling training options

    Dog Handling DH1 to DH3 (7 Days)

    FPOS / First Person on Scene of Accident (5 Days) – and you can Register in the UK

    Long Distance Shooting/Hunting (2 Days)

    Fitness Boot Camps

    Wilderness Survival

    Personal Security Courses for People in Cities as groups and Farm Security that includes personal defence

    Click to see more information
  • Team Building

    We can assist with team building weekends or days, veldt school and leadership camps.

    Find out more about our company training optionsRead more about school leadership camps

Milites Dei Academy specializes in Military Training Style Learning Programs and Accredited Qualifications such as Specialist Operative and other Training in South Africa.

Milites Dei Academy cultivates responsibility, leadership, fitness, ethical values and respect for its students. Furthermore, offering Military Training Style Accredited Learning programs in South Africa.

Our Head Office is situated in the Sanderson House in Peebles Valley outside White River in South Africa. This valley is known as the Jock of the Bushveld Conservancy, therefore offers a rich history.

The courses at Milites Dei Academy have a wealth of benefits and equip the student with valuable life skills. The Military Training Style courses are suitable as a bridging year or as a mere adventure, however, provide thorough training in the security industry. In most cases, students are already recruited by employers before the course is completed.

For persons that did not complete matric:

We offer the PSIRA and SASSETA accredited qualifications – the National Certificate in General Security Practices and the Further Education and Training Certificate in Specialist Security Practices which are on the same level as Matric. 

If you do not have a matric, then complete the PSIRA Grades and Firearm Competencies. You will then also qualify for the VIP Protection Course.

Milites Dei Academy also caters for graduates and school leavers who have not yet worked, with a three-month course that trains you as a Specialist Agent. Read even more about us and our creed.

THE AREA – We are situated in the Bill Sanderson House within Peebles Valley, just outside White River. One of the many statues of Jock of the Bushveld is found on the training venue.

Our Bush Camp will host certain of the courses and is nestled in a Forest called Bush Camp Ego.

The statue of Jock of the Bushveld is nestled on a hill with a view of the Legogote Mountain in the Panorama route. So, our venue offers breathtaking views of the surrounding flora and fauna.

The world-famous dog (Jock of the Bushveld) accompanied his owner, Sir. Percy Fitzpatrick, when he visited the Sanderson family. Sir. Percy wrote some chapters of his famous book in the Sanderson House.

Our courses

The Military Training Style courses are suitable as a bridging year or as a mere adventure, however, provide thorough training in the security industry.

In most cases, students are already recruited by employers before the course is completed. Since we actively assist students to find employment, after completion of our courses.

Courses are PRIVATE qualifications in the security industry with a military-style daily program such as drills, uniform and discipline.

The advantage is that the course can be completed in just a few months and is more affordable than a college degree.

Information on all our courses, such as Army Basic Training- and Special Forces Training Style Learning Programs:

The army basic training style 3-month program includes PSIRA, Fire Arms, Military Style, etc. This is the most popular course because it leads to high-income employment opportunities.

Suitable for people already in the security industry that want to progress into supervisory positions.

Suitable for people already working in security who do not have a grade 12.

If you love wildlife and love to protect animals at game lodges and reserves.

These courses can include becoming a Patrol Officer, Asset Control Officer, Protection Officer, Security Supervisor or Junior Security Manager.

PSIRA Grade A to E, Armed Response, Retail Security, Cash in Transit, Banking Security and Special events security.

1-4 Fire Arm Types Personal and/or Business Use and Law

A vast number of qualifications included: VIP, SWAT, Diving, Parachuting, Dog Handling, PSIRA, Etc.

The student also gets a salary in this course and are registered for UIF and Personal Tax.

This course is also called a Close Protection Officer (CPO). A CPO is a type of security guard, government or law enforcement officer, or soldier who protects a person or a group of people; usually high-ranking public officials or officers, wealthy people, and celebrities.

The courses includes accommodation and meals. Candidates will receive a certificate on completion of the course. All the courses are practical seminars. Examples include Hostage Extraction Techniques, Rural Surveillance, S.W.A.T., Riot Control, Private Security Contracting, Bush Survival and Much More.

Dogs for security and tracking are major specialised fields not only in South Africa but also in the rest of the world. The Unit Standards on offer by Milites Dei Academy are DH1 – DH5 Extended.

Dog Handling DH1 to DH3 (7 Days)

FPOS / First Person on Scene of Accident (5 Days) – and you can Register in the UK

Long Distance Shooting/Hunting (2 Days)

We can assist with team building weekends or days, veldt school and leadership camps.

We do Personal Security Courses for People in Cities as groups and Farm Security for people living on farms.

These courses are 2-14 days long and include: Personal Safety / hand-to-hand combat (MMA), Circles of Defence, Situational Awareness, Hand 2 Hand Combat (CQC), Firearms and firearm Safety, When can you shoot (Legal), Hostile Environment, House and Room Clearing, Combat Tracking, Evasion Assault and Recovery, Survival Preparation,  Rule of 4 and Rule of 7 to name just a few.

We can assist with fitness boot camps, a venue for warrior races events and much more.

We can assist with Wilderness Survival Training as a stand-alone skills program. This training however forms part of our 3-month specialist operative course.

Milites Dei assists with an A-Z company short skills programs including things like MS Office, Telephone Skills, Personal Sales Sharpening, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Personal Finance, Diversity Management and much more.

Why choose Milites Dei

We offer complete qualifications that require a paid enrolment. It is exclusive PRIVATE qualifications in the security industry. We have a military-style daily program with drills and uniform. The courses can be completed in just a few months. The courses are more affordable and sought after than a college degree. Accommodation, meals, uniform, ammo and equipment included. Work experience and active assistance to find employment. Get in contact now to get an acceptance letter for your bank. Our response time is 3-4 hours during working hours.

The courses on offer at Milites Dei Academy have 3 benefits:

(i) You can use it as a gap year whereby you sort out your life and give your life structure but at the same time obtain accredited qualifications on which you could fall back onto if the need arises.

(ii) If you want to join the French Foreign Legion or another foreign army, you can come and make yourself fit at the academy so that you can pass their selection with ease.

(iii) If you love action, you can make a career out of the courses at Milites Dei Academy because the qualifications will lead you into a very exciting career as a specialist operative.

Our academy is a small family business. Small family businesses contribute to over 70% of the GDP of South Africa.

Milites Dei has 100% B-BBE procurement recognition (a level 4 contributor). We strive towards the DTI codes of good practice.

Already after the three months, students are actively assisted to find employment in the following areas:

• On cruise ships, private yachts and cargo ships;

• As private investigators;

• Anti-poaching units;

• Security at mines, lodges and 5-star hotels;

• Farm security;

• Under-cover agents;

• Assets in transit;

• At big international security companies based in SA and Africa;

• As trackers;

• Students can also start their own security companies and complete freelance risk solutions.


The reasons we believe that we are better than any other accredited training provider in this field are herewith provided.

  • Milites Dei Academy (MDA) students are actively assisted to find employment, they keep companies’ goods safe in troubled areas, and they can track the movement of intruders. The list goes on.
  • MDA has a 1083ha training area in a nature conservancy outside White River (Peebles Valley) – you can see the map on our Facebook.
  • MDA has an urban tactical shooting range on the academy premises and two accredited shooting ranges in Peebles Valley (one with an underground bunker system.)
  • MDA has a helicopter landing area on the academy premises.
  • MDA have instructors with a vast number of years’ experience not only in education, training and security but also from backgrounds of ex-military, military-, tactical- and sports shooting, security detail abroad, anti-poaching units and similar academies.
  • MDA’s courses do not take a full year since you can choose a field that you are really good in (for example after the three months of basic training). This will give you high-income career possibilities, making you a specialist in your field of work.
  • MDA instructors personally guide each student individually to be successful, so no one falls out of the course; the student becomes part of a caring family.
  • MDA fitness is extreme and each student is coached from whatever level of fitness they are in (for example, one of our present students was totally unfit and could not run a 2.4km, however now he is able to (after 2 months on par and he is now working on muscle tone and a six-pack).
  • MDA students are rewarded for hard work (with a rank) after each month of studying.
  • MDA will assist you for 2 years after training to find a high-income job and again assist, should you not be satisfied with your placement.
  • MDA has a brother system whereby the new student is linked with a successful student at the academy and a student already working in the field.
  • MDA also is very serious about giving students academic depth, although our courses are only 20% theory, please read our blogs www.militesdei.com/blog.
  • You can also see on the MDA Facebook: all the posts that will testify to the professional approach we take and each post is of our own students that completed the specific courses (practical and real-life exercises makes 80% of the MDA courses).
    Already in the three months basics, students are placed in businesses in our area for Real-Life work experience.

Lastly, we would motivate as follows:

“A picture speaks a thousand words” so compare us from all the pictures and posts on our Facebook pages and blog with other training businesses.

There is also a saying “hear it from the horse’s mouth”: we get you in touch with one of our previous students via WhatsApp, to hear how he/she found it.

A Few Testimonials

More more. Ek Wil darem weer net vir julle almal dankie se vir die opleiding wat Zander by julle gehad het. Ek is so trots na eksy cv en portfolio gesien het. Dit is sooo professioneel opgestel en ek Sal julle by almal aanbeveel. Julle is puik, Baie dankie en voorspoed wens ek en my vrou julle toe. Weereens dankie Groete

This is the best training academy in the country not only as a career but also to give your child the same experience as we had in the Nasional Defends Force years ago. Do your child a favor and send him for at least 3 months. Money well spend

Everything that one can learn there should be besic schoolung for life.

Worthy … wish it would be compulsory.

Where do I start???

3 months ago I started to better myself in a way I didn’t think was possible, but I was wrong. I started with a 2 month course at Milites Dei Academy. I started without knowing where the road will lead me, or how it will end, will I make it, will I prove myself worthy to be part of something more powerful, something better something bigger then just myself.
I did not believe in myself at that point, because of every time I have failed in the past, but the Academy proved me wrong, after my 1st month I was called into the office thinking I failed in a way, but It was to congratulate me for my commitment, they showed me I have what it takes to be the best, to be better, to be more powerfull not just in myself, but in everything I do and i got a third month gift from the Academy. They showed me I am worthy of becoming a winner that I am a leader…

Wow wat ‘n drie maande was ‘n vreemde plek! ‘n Groot stap, seerkry was die ‘n opsie nie. Intelegensie was als. Dit sit nie in elke ou se broek nie. As jy via drie dae in die bos sit, kom jy eindlik agter wie en wat jy is. Opgee is nie ‘n opsie nie. Stil nagte wat speel met jou kop. Vreemde mense wat verander in jou broers. Ek gaan dit mis, maar elke ou stap met iets uit wat jy saam met jou dra “there is nothing to fear when God is with you”. Dis al wat deur jou kop gaan. Jarhead, Foxtrot, Wolf, November, Punisher en Romeo2 julle kan ek glo sal die vrugte pluk. Bardo baie dankie vir al jou hulp. Barney en Amareza Buys, dankie vir oom en tannie se kennis. Passop vir die spitters haha. Baie dankie vir als. S11 out. Serve, protect and survive. #Godiswithme #syoloscountonlybeta #spitters #militesdei #everydayup ps kyk mooi na Jock, hy is nog ‘n kind.

See photos and videos about how students found the academy on our social media pages:

We offer complete qualifications that require a paid enrolment. It is exclusive PRIVATE qualifications in the security industry. We have a military-style daily program with drills and uniform. The courses can be completed in just a few months. The courses are more affordable and sought after than a college degree. Accommodation, meals, uniform, ammo and equipment included. Work experience and active assistance to find employment. Get in contact now to get an acceptance letter for your bank. Our response time is 3-4 hours during working hours.

Our Contact Information

Click on one of the icons to get in contact with us

Click on the icon to chat to sales

WhatsApp our Campus Manager for Sales: + 27 (0) 81 478 8018

Another Alternative WhatsApp: + 27 (0) 66 233 0004

Click on the icon to phone sales

Campus Manager Cell for Sales: + 27 (0) 81 478 8018

Also Available for Urgent Calls After Normal Working Hours.

Another Alternative Cell: + 27 (0) 66 233 0004

Click on the icon to email


Part 51 Peebles

White River



Postnet Suite # 396

Private Bag X 9910

White River


Our Accreditation Information

SASSETA - Specialist Operative - Military Training Style - Milites Dei - Accredited qualifications

SASSETA Accreditation No. 171999692736


PSIRA No. 2758028

PSIRA Training Centre No. T1564

Our blogs indicate the academic depth of the Student’s Military Training Style Studies at Milites Dei Academy

Children in Distress
Milites Dei Academy Testimonial From Major Gunnery Kenny
A Successful Future with Military Style Education and Accredited Qualifications - MDA
Introducing the Gift of Education: Empowering Unemployed, Directionless Adolescents with Honour, Precision, and Toughness in Military-Style Training and Education.

Our Milites Dei Academy Newsletters: