Military Academy Style Training in South Africa – More About Milites Dei Academy

Maimonides: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

Milites Dei Academy specializes in Fitness Boot Camps, Wilderness Survival Training and Military Academy Style Training Programs, so from a Special Forces Training perspective. Our aim is to equip the youth of South Africa with Honor, Precision, Toughness and capabilities to secure a bright and positive future and for these individuals to achieve high income career success!

Milites Dei Academy is Registered with

SASSETA Reg. No. 171999692736


Under the sword and wings flag white, blue and gold I fly the colors of the MDA as a Star.

I volunteered to become an ambassador of my service and I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor, high standards, and esprit de corps of the Milites Dei Team and the brotherhood.

The memories, achievements and legacy of all my predecessors are my responsibility; I will not fail them.

Safety is my way of life. Nothing is worth its compromise. No fight is so important, no actions is so essential, and no activity that pressing.

All shall look to me for the standard of Precision-Honour-Toughness.

Always will I keep myself mentally alert, substance free, physically fit, and morally straight. I represent the image of Milites Dei Academy. I cannot lose the confidence entrusted in me as a Person and I will not tolerate those who do.

Professionalism is my trademark regardless of the time or place. My pursuit of excellence in training and performance is with diligence, dedication and attention to detail.

My own goals are second to those of the team and the expectation of me to pass on my skills to all who desire.

The goal I pursue is simple, yet bears a responsibility I must discharge without reservation: When I have gained the respect, admiration, and gratitude of the South African public and my teammates, then I have fulfilled my mission as a brother.

Milites Dei is Located 20 km for the Kruger National Park Numbi Gate in the Peebles Valley Conservancy

Our Facilities

Training from the Sanderson House

Milites Dei uses a large farm house located in the heart of Peebles Valley on the Jock of the Bushveld Route. The original farm house of William Bill Sanderson who was befriended with Sir. Percy Fitzpatrick, the author of Jock of the Bushveld. The house has many rooms and ablutions, therefore vast hiking trails and a bush camp nearby to study Wilderness Survival. A shooting range is 2 km away.

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