The Importance of Accredited Qualifications

PSIRA and Sasseta Accredited

PSIRA and SASSETA Accredited

The Importance of Accredited Qualifications

When deciding to get qualifications and skills it is always of the utmost importance to be sure that the qualifications are accredited. Needless to state, accredited qualifications is only available from accredited training providers.

The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) is a statutory body, regulated in terms of the National Qualifications Framework Act No. 67 of 2008, thus SAQA ensure that all qualifications are aligned to international and national standards. On the SAQA website one will find everything about education in South Africa from basic education to higher education. [Also refer to].

The functions of SAQA, and the ambit of its authority, are set out in Section 13 of the National Qualifications Framework Act 67 of 2008. The National Qualifications Framework Act 67 of 2008 provides for the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). The NQF is a comprehensive system, approved by the Minister of Higher Education and Training, for the classification, registration and publication of articulated and quality-assured national qualifications and part-qualifications. The NQF is organised as a series of levels of learning achievement, arranged in ascending order from one to ten.

Milites Dei Academy is accredited by both PSIRA and SASSETA. PSIRA is the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority and SASSETA is the Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority. Both these bodies also have to adhere to the stipulations of the NQF and SAQA. The Mandate of PSIRA derives from the Private Security Industry Regulation Act 56 of 2001.

PSIRA explains that ‘The primary objective of the Authority is to regulate the private security industry and to exercise effective control over the practice of the occupation of security service provider in the public and national interest and in the interest of the private security industry itself’. [Also refer to].

SASSETA explains ‘SASSETA promotes a culture of ongoing learning, which facilitates opportunities of skills transfer and development for all South Africans in the safety and security sector seeking recognised industry qualifications.’ [Also refer to].

Gloria Castrillón, executive manager: quality assurance and regulatory affairs of Milpark Business School, explains in BizCommunity (2013):

‘In other countries where an NQF is in place (for example, in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and most Scandinavian countries), the authorities will assess a South African qualification on the NQF against a qualification on their own NQF and determine whether they are equivalent or not. In this way, qualifications registered on the SA NQF are portable (from country to country) and transferable (from institution to institution)…In countries that do not have an NQF, the process is similar, although it may be more complex. This is the case in the US, which does not have an NQF, but does have equivalent authorities in place in the various states or groups of states to determine whether a qualification from outside the US is similar to those inside the US…’ [Also refer to].




PSIRA No. 2758028

PSIRA Training Centre No. T1564

SASSETA Accreditation No. 171999692736

PHYSICAL ADDRESS Part 51 Peebles; White River; 1240

POSTAL ADDRESS Postnet Suite # 396; Private Bag X 9910 White River 1240

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