Entries by admin

Children Building in Nature

Children Building in Nature Nature and its resources are available at Milites Dei Head Office. These resources allow children to be exposed to fantasy creations to overcome obstacles that in return help children to gain the skills of leadership, emotional intelligence and creative problem solving. Our camps focused on children as potential leaders and provide […]

Leadership-Management Training at Milites Dei

Leadership-Management Training at Milites Dei ‘Absurdum est ut alios regat, qui seipsum regere nescit’ is a Latin proverb, implying that it is absurd that a man should rule others, who cannot rule himself (The Routledge Dictionary of Latin Quotations 2010). Linking with the above proverb, Milites Dei, approach leadership training from the stance that the […]

Seven Days of Intense Survival

One of David Montanbeau famous quotes explains that “The greatest discovery by mankind thus far; is realizing that you can change your life by simply changing your attitude.” As part of the Specialist Security Practices Qualification on offer by Milites Dei Training Academy is the seven days intense survival. It will help you to slow […]

Hiking for Animal Tracks

Hiking for the tracking of animals means that students will have to find their own paths to move about in the bush while looking for animal tracks. Jonah Evans of Aphine explains on his website (available at http://www.naturetracking.com/category/press/) that ‘Animal tracks are a window into an otherwise be a hidden world of wild animals. Animals are all […]


FUN WHILE LEARNING Eric Jensen noted author in the field of brain-based learning explains the link between engagement and learning. He emphasises that learning worked best when the activity was intrinsically meaningful to the individual. ‘The task has to be behaviorally relevant to the learner, which is why the brain will not adapt to senseless […]

Teaching and Learning Opportunities for the New Leaders

On 10 Jan 2014, Nic Spaul wrote in the Mail and Guardian ‘Although I would like to celebrate with the pupils who passed their matric exams, I find myself asking: “Who is going to speak up for the 550 000 children who started school 12 years ago, but have been silently excluded because of drop […]

Human Minds and Games as Learning

Paintball as Learning               Milites Dei takes theoretical learning such as Specialist Security Practices NQF Level 4, SAQA ID 57713 and adds survival and bush craft games to it. In this way students physically engage in nature as well as the challenges there within. The facilitators thereafter relate the […]

Education for Indigo Kids

Kids Today are Different…PMH ATWATER, LHD writes ‘…and they are driving their parents nuts, education has failed us,…’. Just in my circle of friends there are numerous children that did not complete high school. Yet, they are highly intelligent, internet savvy, experts in certain fields, excellent communicators and exhibit many talents.  In addition, they are […]

Jock of the Bushveld Memorial at Milites Dei

One of the many statues found in South Africa was erected just outside the training venue. The statue of Jock of the Bushveld is nestled on a hill with a view of the Legogote Mountain ranges and offers breathe taking views of the surrounding flora and fauna. Jock of the Bushveld accompanied his owner, Sir. […]