Entries by admin

In die Bos In the Bush

In die Bos In the Bush Die Ope Naweek vir Ouers en Studente gaan perfek saam met die Innibos Fees van Nelspruit (kyk ook na http://innibos.co.za/). Terwyl jy nou die naweek in die omgewing is vir #Innibos, kom luister ‘n bietjie na wat Milides Dei vir jongmense aanbied. Ons kursusse is spesiaal geskep vir die […]


PROGRAMME PARENTS AND STUDENTS OPEN WEEKEND 2 and 3 July 2016 DAY 1 10:00 Arrival and Welcome 11:00 Introduction and Orientation 12:00 Students to Bush Camp Echo 12:15 Bush Shelter Construction out of Natural Materials 15:00 Hiking and Trailing 17:00 Bush Camp Fire Setup 18:00 Braai 20:00 Videos 22:00 Camp Fire Stories DAY 2 5:30 […]

Maak ‘n Slim Lewens Skuif

Sit jy by die huis? Is jou ouers op jou kuis? Maak ‘n slim lewens skuif. Kom maak jouself tuis. Milites Dei word jou tweede huis. Hier is oor die 40 kwalifikasies wat jy kan kom eis.

Women as VIP Protectors

Women as VIP Protectors   Gulf News writes about women “Their sharpshooting skills and prowess in riding advanced motorbikes are what set apart the 18 female officers of the VIP Protection Unit of The Department of Protective Security and Emergency of Dubai Police from their other female peers” ( available at http://gulfnews.com/news/uae/general/dubai-police-vip-protection-unit-a-testament-to-women-power-1.1396855). At Milites Dei […]

3-Dimensional Terrain Model or Sand Table

3-Dimensional Terrain Model or Sand Table Pinterest explains that sand tables are something not many people have heard of before. However, man has used sand tables for centuries. In the early days, sand tables have been used for educational and military purposes (available at https://za.pinterest.com/mapmodels/terrain-modeling/). Sand tables have been used for military planning and war […]

Creative Problem Solving

Finding a Solution to a Problem Creative Problem Solving In the early 2000’s, I was fortunate enough to get to know various creative problem solving experts by traveling to Britain, France and Germany. I have been practicing these steps since then. In a recent article Jeffrey Baumgartner writes that “Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas […]

A Successful Ghillie Suit

A Successful Ghillie Suit It is most definitely not easy to create a Ghillie Suit! In this article we feature a hand made Ghillie that turned out extremely effective. The suit was hand manufactured by Alida Meade. Alida’s suit in the photo below is an example of how such a suite looks like heavy foliage and […]

Leadership Training

Leadership Training The U.S. military has studied leadership in depth. One of their definitions is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish a mission (U.S. Army, 1983). Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership knowledge and skills (available at http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/leader/leadcon.html). Leadership Training At Milites Dei young people are taught in […]

Life Skills at Milites Dei

Life Skills at Milites Dei Kaieteur News writes that ‘The public needs to be aware of the importance of Life Skills – programmes which would actually benefit the individual in self-development’ (available at http://www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/2013/10/06/the-importance-of-life-skills/). Christopher Cascio explains that ‘Life skills are skills a child needs to develop in order to succeed in life, but are […]

You Have a Future

You Have a Future Over 40% of 18-24 yr olds in South Africa are not in formal education, nor employed, nor disabled so that they cannot work. This represents a severe loss of human potential just at the time that young people should be becoming economically active. Moreover, Statistics South Africa estimated by mid-2010 that our […]