Entries by admin

Another Honourable Discharge

It is with great proudness that we said goodbye but not farewell to another Milites Dei Academy Student that finished his three months basics course with accolades. November Bravo “Nov Bra” was an outstanding intelligent student that demonstrated extreme wit and physical fitness. He is now commencing with the specialist elective of Vessels at Sea. […]


JOIN NOW Join Milites Dei Academy Now for the 6 March 2017 Intake. You will have the time of your life and the three months basics will change your life forever. You will get fit and be strong and tough as a buffalo, develop your mental capabilities, meet new friends, face challenges that will build […]

Security and Drones

Security and Drones In today’s world, civil security is of major importance. In protecting the public from threats such as piracy, terrorist attacks and crimes, drone support is a decisive advantage. Just note, one needs to understand the security industry first before being able to spot security threats. Milites Dei Academy now offers students a drone […]


STEALH The abilities of ninja to remain unseen and undetected have acquired a nearly legendary status in popular media. Originally taught with two of the traditional 18 disciplines of ninjutsu, the stealth techniques of ninjutsu derive from “shinobi-iri,” the art of stealth and entering and “intonjutsu,” the study of escape and concealment’ (to read more […]

Hand-2-Hand Combat

Hand-2-Hand Combat “You have to realize that most conflicts, confrontations and even life or death situations happen at close quarters. Military organizations recognize the benefits of H2H combat and they even have it incorporated into their training.” You can read more on http://www.h2hcombattraining.com/hand-to-hand-combat. Milites Dei Academy students practice H2H daily because practice makes perfect.  H2H becomes […]

Private Security Operative

Private Security Operative The following facts about the job and income of a private security operative: Job Title: Security Operative Office: Across the globe Description: Perform security for money Certifications/Education: Military or law enforcement background Necessary Skills: Military skills, physically fit Potential Employers: Private Companies Pay: $500 to $1000 per day or over $100,000 per year Security contractors, perform […]

Enrol for 6 March 2017 Intake

Enrol for 6 March 2017 Intake If you did not get a place at university and do not want to join a college or you want to take a gap year, enrol with Milites Dei Academy (MDA). Our courses are focused and intense but it creates character and strength. Much more is included because MDA […]

Joining the Elite

The next intake is 6 March 2017. Students will arrive on 5 March 2017 to settle in and meet the rest of the students. Become part of an elite group of students that will develop into employable specialist security operatives. The following are included in the three months basic course: 19 PSIRA Modules 8 Management […]

Strength and Character

A study by Ole Boe, Henning Bang, Fredrik A. Nilsen identified ‘…character strengths that are the most important for military officers and their leadership. These were in ranked order: Leadership, integrity, persistence, bravery, open-mindedness, fairness, citizenship, self-regulation, love of learning, social intelligence, perspective and creativity’ (also read http://ac.els-cdn.com/S1877042815032504/1-s2.0-S1877042815032504-main.pdf?_tid=9bb86eae-ed22-11e6-aa4e-00000aab0f26&acdnat=1486464537_3096e8efa818c81e691748b336e3ae79). Milites Dei Academy starts with character and strength […]

Female Body Guards

Female Body Guards ‘People have very stereotypical views of women and the opportunities open to us in this part of the world. But the doors have long been open, it’s just whether we chose to step through them’ (Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3918562/The-women-black-Gun-guards-flank-Camilla-leaves-hotel-visit-Abu-Dhabi-Charles.html#ixzz4XE4ycLrw). This is an open invite to the ladies to not stand back and step […]