Army Basic Training Style Course / Specialist Operative

Creating Brilliance - Military Management Operative - Army basic training style program - Special Forces Training Style

The army basic training is what many of the past generations in South Africa remember. The three-month army basic training should become compulsory again!

Past generations remember every aspect of their life regimented. It is the same at Milites Dei Academy with our similar (specialist operative training). We like to let the youth taking our army basic training course get constructive but positive reinforcement. Youngsters learn to become the best possible versions of themselves.

Therefore, every activity scheduled (from getting up until going to bed at night).

Sometimes students have to do an “oppie” out of the blue. This is hard but at the end so worth it. So many of the past generation, therefore, remember their army basic training as the best time of their lives.

A military veteran writes the following about his army basic training:

“Oh, now you want me to think back. I’m just an outdoors- and weapon man, so I thought it was super cool. It was a huge self-discovery to grow up fast. 

One has learned that hardship can be fun and that one does not die so easily from exercising hard. I myself have learned (similar to most others in the group) people, in general, do not like it when you question the “system”.  

After all, these years I still struggle to be politically correct and not shake the cage when I notice something doesn’t make sense to me. I had to learn very quickly to deal with disappointments and that things usually work out for the best. Even the preparation for inspections was fun in a way.

The radio was playing loud music during inspection preparation while everyone worked together to get the barracks clean and tidy. I soon learned that no matter how hard you work … the instructor’s mind on the morning of inspection determined how much error was found.

I never slept on the floor to keep my bed tidy for inspection and I can’t even remember that my bed was wrong. You can probably say that I thoroughly enjoyed my army basic training…


Johan Le Grange, a past student at Milites Dei Academy was in the SA army a couple of years ago and explains the following:

“What I enjoyed of my army basic training was the etiquette that we had to adhere to and the discipline. We also had to be 7 minutes early for every new event on the program. The routine was very similar to the daily routine Milites Dei Academy follows. I enjoyed drill the most in my army basic training, although it was really tough. My army basic training was completed and the pass out parade was a highlight. I am now at Milites Dei Academy because I want to get official qualifications in order to pursue a rewarding career in the security industry.”


In addition, Milites Dei Academy is pride in being the provider of quality security specialist operative training.

The question that might confront you is “What is Specialist Operative Training?” In an attempt to answer that question, Milites Dei Academy recently received a comment from an ex-SANDF rifleman.

He started participating as a student at Milites Dei Academy and some weeks into the training he stated that the course content is that of the Special Operative Training. One would consider his comment authentic because after all, he was many years in the SANDF. This statement is supported by the comments of an anonymous business owner “..if he comes out of Milites Dei Academy you have just got yourself a real man fully trained soldier thank you…

The fact of the matter is that at Milites Dei Academy, students gain the skills of different military training style competencies and to name a few:Army basic training style program - Special Forces Training Style

  • Camouflage and concealment;
  • Map work and route referencing;
  • Surveillance;
  • Tracking;
  • Fire and movement;
  • Survival; and
  • The list goes on.


Noteworthy is the fact that the private up-market security industry needs a new kind of employee.


Three-month army basic training is a must. This is because crime not only in South Africa but the whole world is extreme. Security, in this sense, needs specialist operative training. The scopes for work after studying at MDA is diverse and in need of these skills. This type of security official will operate with military training style and precision.


The mission of Milites Dei Academy is to deliver innovative, yet relevant and accredited qualifications.

Programmes are SASSETA accredited while contributing with integrity and commitment to the communities’ ideals for skills development and employability.


Most importantly, Milites dei actively assists students to find employment after completing their studies. Milites Dei Academy also meets regulatory requirements as they apply to private security institutions and training academies and exceed the expectations of quality.