Why Milites Dei Academy?

Why Milites Dei Academy?

Why Milites Dei Academy?

We offer the following to our students:

  • 55+ modules;
  • you stay in a bungalow;
  • three meals included;
  • all books;
  • all exams;
  • uniform;
  • military style gear;
  • gym and equipment for fitness;
  • cv and portfolio;
  • work experience; and
  • employment in the industry.

We think we are better than any other training company in this field because of the above and the following:

  • Milites Dei Academy (MDA) students already find a job after the three months basics as expert security operators, such as anti-poaching, they keep companies’ goods safe in troubled areas, and they can track the spoor of intruders. The list goes on. After the electives the student can continue in one or more of the following – on goods vessels on sea, they fly drones to identify security risks, they keep VIPs and dignitaries safe, they keep tourists on ships safe, they use dogs to identify bombs and drugs, they identify evidence at crime scenes, they keep oil rigs safe and they jump out of aeroplanes to pursue criminals and I can go on and on.
  • MDA have a 1083ha training area in nature outside White River in Peebles – you can see the map on our Facebook;
  • MDA have a urban tactical shooting range on the academy premises and 2 accredited shooting ranges in Peebles one with an underground bunker system;
  • MDA are situated within a nature conservancy;
  • MDA have a helicopter landing area on the academy premises;
  • MDA instructors have  together more than 100 years experience in education;
  • MDA is a partner with Global Security Centre (Europe) and Israeli Protect – see the link https://www.gscentre.eu/news
  • MDA’s courses does not take a full year because after the three months basics you can choose a field that you are really good in, will give you a high income and which will make you a specialist in that area;
  • MDA instructors personally guide each student to be successful so that no-one falls out of the course; the student becomes part of a caring family;
  • MDA fitness is extreme and each student is coached from whatever level of present fitness (for example, one of our present students was totally unfit and could not run a 2.4 but he is after 2 months on par and we are now working on this muscle tone and six pack);
  • MDA students are rewarded for hard work (with a rank) after each month of studying;
  • MDA will assist you for 2 years after training to find a high income job…and again assist if you maybe are not satisfied within a certain job;
  • MDA has a brother system whereby the new student is linked with a successful student at the academy and a student already working in the field;
  • MDA also is very serious about giving students academic depth, although our courses are only 20% theory, see ALL the website blogs https://www.militesdei.com/blog
  • You can also see on the MDA Facebook all the posts that will testify of the professional approach we take and each post is of our own students that completed a specific course (practical and real-life exercises makes 80% of the MDA courses); and
  • Already in the three months basics the student are placed in businesses in our area for real-life work experience.

Lastly, I would motivate as follows:

  • A picture speaks a thousand words” so compare us from all the pictures and posts on our fb page and website with other training businesses.

AUTHOR: Amareza Buys, Education Specialist, Milites Dei Academy

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